How to connect to Mongodb on AWS EC2 instance with Robomongo?

Setu Kumar Basak
2 min readJul 21, 2018


In my previous article, i discussed how to install mongodb instance on AWS EC2 instance. Today, we will connect that mongodb server running on AWS EC2 using Robomongo. So, let’s start.

At first, we will go to our EC2 dashboard and click the launch-wizard link.

Now, let’s provide a Name to the Group and go to the Inbound tab below and click the Edit button.

Now, let’s click on the Add button to add a new rule for this security group.

Now, we have added a new inbound rule with Type -> All traffic, Protocol -> All, Port Range -> 0–65535 and Source -> Anywhere. Then, let’s save the inbound rule by click the Save button.

Now, let’s go the EC2 dashboard and copy the IPv4 Public IP address ->

Now, let’s open the Robomongo and create a new connection. Let’s give it a Name as Mongo_Connect and paste the EC2 public ip address in the Address section. Then, let’ save the connection configuration.

We will see the saved connection. Now, let’s select that Mongo_Connect connection and connect by clicking on the Connect button.

We will be connected like below:

That’s it !!! We have connected with mongodb server running on AWS EC2 instance.

Thanks everyone :)



Setu Kumar Basak
Setu Kumar Basak

Written by Setu Kumar Basak

Everything I do, I do for a reason: to improve myself. Linkedin:

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